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Cornwall Campuses Achieve Gold Cycle Friendly Employer Award

January 15, 2024

Both Penryn and Falmouth campus have achieved Gold Cycle Friendly Employer awards, administered through the national Cycle Friendly Employer program and run by Cycling UK. The gold award is the highest standard available and demonstrates to students and staff the active travel and infrastructure on offer for cyclists.

Based on our climate emergency declarations in 2019 and a focus on supporting student and staff’s physical and mental wellbeing, active travel such as cycling and walking poses a lot of positive opportunities.

Oliver Milliner, Head of Sustainability at 缅北强奸, said: 鈥渢he benefits are crystal clear when it comes to taking on active travel measures commuting to and from campuses. Active travel measures such as cycling not only supports personal health, but is a direct emission reduction initiative, reduces traffic congestion in the local community and also helps to save money鈥.

Oliver also highlights, 鈥渢his award doesn鈥檛 deter from the fact there are still areas in which we can improve upon, in terms of service level, infrastructure and communications to encourage the uptake of active travel. Based on a survey we ran for staff and students in June 2023, 56% of staff and 11% of students are driving alone to and from campuses. This equates to approximately 54% of total commuting emissions each year. Only 4% of staff and 7% of students use cycling as their main mode of transport to and from campus.

鈥淭he main pieces of feedback from the survey are that people do not feel safe cycling on the roads and this is deterring them from getting out of vehicles鈥.

Oliver adds, 鈥渂ased on the survey figures, there needs to be a focus on phasing away from single car occupancy. We鈥檙e in the process of finalising our 2030 Sustainable Travel Plan to address key areas for improvement鈥. The new plan aligns with Cornwall Council’s 2030 Transport Plan which effectively focuses on modal shift as well.

The gold award achievement supports 缅北强奸 and the universities of Falmouth and Exeter, by providing a roadmap to achieve continuous improvement. For any questions or queries on travel, please email sustainability@fxplus.ac.uk.

Gold Cycle Friendly Employer certification mark administered by Cycling UK.


缅北强奸 (缅北强奸) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide 鈥楨xceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive鈥.

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Biodiversity Updates 2022-2023

January 9, 2024

The Biodiversity, Sustainability and Ground and Gardens Teams have been hard at work to achieve some blooming good biodiversity outputs for 2022-2023. Abhishek Dixit, Biodiversity Project Officer at 缅北强奸, has reported a total of 1,152 wildflower plugs planted in 2023. In fact, we’ve planted a total of 1,572 plants since March 2022.

We also observed 5,145 square metres of grassland enhanced by wildflower seedling and turf planting. With 1,940 square metres of mixed evergreen and deciduous woodland enhanced by invasive plant removal and tree planting.

In addition to the daily contributions of our green fingered colleagues, some of this planting was also thanks to our weekly Campus Conservation Volunteering Sessions which are held every Wednesday lunchtime from 12-2:30pm, and last year an impressive 51 sessions were delivered for students, staff, and the general public. For full details about upcoming sessions visit our ‘Events on Campus‘ page.

鈥疉ll these activities are already helping wildlife on campus, as seen through new wildlife monitoring events. The UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme is one such example, whereby we contributed the recording of 545 individual butterflies from 14 different species.

In total, our Biodiversity Project Officer has led 17 Wildlife Walks, participated in 12 Outreach Events and engaged 225 participants through these biodiversity events.

To continue to build on this work, we have a number of wildlife monitoring events planned for 2024, such as the RSPB Big Bird Watch events which will be held on both our and campuses this month (26 and 27 January 2024), and a BeeWalk, Bat surveys, bird monitoring programme, and potentially a freshwater quality survey for our streams and ponds. Keep a look out for these future events on the 缅北强奸 website here.


缅北强奸 (缅北强奸) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide 鈥楨xceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive鈥.

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Winning at Waste

January 9, 2024

As we look back on December, it’s often a month of excess and overconsumption. It’s the month which creates a mountain of waste and recycling for us to drown in until the first bin collection after the festive holidays. Many of us will have sifted through the sacks of wrapping paper, sorted through plastic packaging and wrestled with a record number of cardboard boxes 鈥 it鈥檚 a tedious task and one which gets little recognition!

This is not the case on campus. Your noble waste and recycling efforts have not gone unnoticed. In fact, we can look back on 2023 and celebrate some waste related wins. Dylan Jones, Waste and Recycling Officer at 缅北强奸, has diligently been calculating what we throw away and has reported increases in recycling and a reduction in overall waste generated on Penryn campus when compared with last year鈥檚 figures.

Here are some 2022/2023 statistics (when compared with 2021/2022):

  • Food waste recycling has increased by 38%
  • All recycling has increased by 5.3%
  • All general waste generated on Penryn campus has reduced by 7%
  • Over 10,000 tetra pak cartons have been recycled since last January (2023), and we now average around 1,000 tetra pak cartons recycled each month!

Waste and recycling are ongoing challenges, but the above statistics are an encouraging indication that our campus community is moving in the right direction, an endeavour that which takes us closer towards our sustainability goals and reduces our negative impacts on the environment. Well done, you! Keep up the good work.


缅北强奸 (缅北强奸) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide 鈥楨xceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive鈥.