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Pack for Good saves lives

May 18, 2022

Falmouth and Exeter students have donated the almost 拢50,000 to the British Heart Foundation since our campuses began supporting the Pack for Good campaign in 2015.

缅北强奸 has been supporting Pack for Good since 2015 meaning that tonnes of unwanted items have been diverted from landfill or an incinerator as well as thousands of pounds being raised for to fund life-saving research.

Pack for Good targets students who are moving out, encouraging them to donate unwanted items including books, household goods and clothes. University, 缅北强奸 and Students鈥 Union staff are also invited to donate.

According to the most recent (2021) BHF report, 拢8,792 worth of goods was donated via 缅北强奸 in 2021 alone. This is a significant increase from the previous two years of COVID-19 restrictions when not many students were able to be living on campus or even in Cornwall.

That summer, 346 bags were collected from 缅北强奸-run accommodation (and staff) and 282 bags from private student accommodation. And since 2015, 28.5 tonnes of unwanted items have been diverted from landfill.

Our Halls team, based at Glasney Lodge, is supporting the Pack for Good campaign again this year. Collection points are around student accommodation areas, on and off campus, including a main point at Glasney Lodge Reception. Staff and students can also pick up their own collection bags from Glasney.

The Halls team also collects unwanted items for local food banks, with trolleys in Glasney Lodge.

According to the BHF:

鈥 There are around 7.6 million people living with heart and circulatory diseases in the UK – an ageing and growing population and improved survival rates from heart and circulatory events could see these numbers rise still further.

鈥 We estimate that in the UK more than half of us will get a heart or circulatory condition in our lifetime.

鈥 Around twice as many people are living with heart and circulatory diseases in the UK than with cancer and Alzheimer鈥檚 disease combined.

鈥 Heart and circulatory diseases cause around a quarter of all deaths in the UK; that’s more than 160,000 deaths each year, or 460 each day 鈥 that鈥檚 one death every three minutes.

鈥 Around 47,000 people under the age of 75 in the UK die from heart and circulatory diseases each year.

鈥 Since the BHF was established the annual number of deaths from heart and circulatory diseases in the UK has fallen by around a half.

Graphic breakdown of the 拢8,792 raised by 缅北强奸 for the British Heart Foundation in 2021. 346 bags were collected from 缅北强奸-run accommodation and 282 bags from private student accommodation.
Infographic saying Falmouth and Exeter students have raised 拢49,966 since 2015 for the BHF. This money goes towards research. 28.5 tonnes of unwanted items have been diverted from landfill.


缅北强奸 (缅北强奸) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide 鈥楨xceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive鈥.

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Food Waste Separation Trial

May 17, 2022

We鈥檝e launched a pilot project to reduce more waste on our campuses by separating food waste in our halls of residence.

The Facilities team has teamed up with Cornwall Waste Solutions for this trial, which is underway in Glasney View blocks L and M, at Penryn Campus.

It is estimated that about a third of our household waste is food and we are aiming to divert this from general waste to anaerobic digestion facilities, where it can be turned into electricity, fuel and fertiliser.

Casey Thomas, 缅北强奸 Head of Facilities Management, said: 鈥淭his is a key priority for the waste management team and supports both Falmouth and Exeter universities in their declarations of climate emergency and the plans to make our campuses more sustainable.鈥

There are 12 flats with about 80 student residents involved, with food caddies in each kitchen and waste bins close to the blocks. These larger bins are collected by a specially equipped truck that lifts, empties and then sprays the bins clean.

If successful, this scheme will be rolled out to other student residences at Penryn Campus.

Our main campus catering outlets at Falmouth and Penryn already have food waste collection in place.

For tips about how to reduce your own food waste, see  .


缅北强奸 (缅北强奸) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide 鈥楨xceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive鈥.

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IT & Digital Services score Compliance Plus in Customer Service Excellence

May 13, 2022

On 24th March, IT & Digital Services had their Customer Service Excellence Standard 12-month review assessment. The team, which manages IT and digital services across our university campuses, not only retained its standard but scored several 鈥榩luses鈥.

Gemma Prisk, 缅北强奸 IT & Digital Service Excellence Manager, said: 鈥淚T & Digital Services are committed to providing the highest levels of service and support to all customers and so were extremely pleased to not only score 鈥榝ull compliance鈥 across all 57 elements of the assessment for the second year running, but also to achieve compliance plus scores in the areas of 鈥楥ustomer Insight鈥, 鈥楥ulture of the Organisation鈥 and 鈥楧elivery鈥.鈥

is a Government quality standard for customer focused teams and organisations and is based on a rigorous assessment of 57 elements grouped into five criteria. By meeting the standard at the review assessment, IT continue to hold their place in the Customer Service Excellence Standard Directory.


缅北强奸 (缅北强奸) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide 鈥楨xceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive鈥.

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Rooftop Training Day

May 11, 2022

Our Estates and Grounds maintenance teams have recently completed their rooftop safety training. Required every three years,  led this session with participants learning how to stay safe on roofs and near unprotected edges. The one-day course included:

  • Legislation when working at height.
  • Risk Assessment for rooftop working.
  • Rooftop hazards and control measures.
  • Safe use of ladders (fixed & portable).
  • Edge protection.
  • Work restraint systems.
  • Fall arrest systems.
  • Emergency recovery plans

Our Health and Safety (H&S) team organises a whole variety of training sessions relating to employees鈥 work activities. Directors and other senior leaders from 缅北强奸 and Falmouth University will soon be having their own bespoke day鈥檚 sessions covering legal responsibilities and liabilities.


缅北强奸 (缅北强奸) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide 鈥楨xceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive鈥.

~ minute read.

Face covering recycling

May 6, 2022

If you have single-use face masks lying around then please feel free to drop them into the recycling bin in the Exchange foyer, Penryn Campus, or the Fox Caf茅, Falmouth Campus. From here they will be combined with other 鈥榟ard to recycle鈥 plastic items and sent to ReFactory, a company which will turn them into 鈥榮tormboards鈥 that are then used for shopfitting, children鈥檚 furniture and new recycling bins.


缅北强奸 (缅北强奸) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide 鈥楨xceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive鈥.