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Hedgehog Bronze Award for our Campuses

February 23, 2021

We鈥檙e celebrating Penryn and Falmouth campuses achieving the bronze award with the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) Hedgehog Friendly Campus program.

The  is a UK-wide initiative which aims to turn university campuses into places where hedgehogs can thrive.

Oliver Milliner is Head of Sustainability for 缅北强奸, the organisation that looks after services shared between Falmouth University and the University of Exeter at Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

He said: 鈥淲e鈥檙e really pleased to win this bronze award, particularly since we have been working to achieve this through a year of Covid-19 restrictions. We hope to move up to silver or even gold next year.”

鈥淪taff and students have an opportunity to play an active role in what we do so if any of you are interested, please contact me at sustainability@fxplus.ac.uk 鈥 everyone鈥檚 welcome!鈥

To earn the bronze award, the 缅北强奸 Sustainability and Grounds teams worked together on a series of initiatives that help to protect and support hedgehog life on campus. Some of these include:  

  • Running training sessions for the grounds team and staff on how to feed and support hedgehogs as well as what to do if we ever find an injured hedgehog on campus.
  • Putting up signage and stickers on potentially harmful grounds equipment and information around campus to ensure we check for hedgehogs before trimming bushes etc.
  • Leaving areas across campus for wildflower and growth 鈥 hedgehogs love these as they can hide there!
  • Running awareness and information events and seminars for staff and students.
  • Running surveys on campus to assess where hedgehogs are mainly located. This involves setting up small shelters with ink by the entrance to detect hedgehog footprints.

To achieve silver, teams need to complete at least seven activities from the BHPS toolkit. Silver focuses much more on putting knowledge of hedgehogs and how to help them into practice on campus. To achieve Gold, teams need to focus on actions that leave a legacy for hedgehogs on campus 鈥 real, long-lasting impacts.


缅北强奸 (缅北强奸) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide 鈥楨xceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive鈥.

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Cornwall Plus crowned Gold at Cornwall Tourism Awards 2020-21

February 23, 2021

 has been honoured with a Gold award, for the International category at the Cornwall Tourism Awards 2020-21.

The  a hallmark of quality in the Cornish tourism and hospitality industry, held the annual ceremony online on 25 February, supported by headline sponsor Quality in Tourism. Entrants were judged on their entry submission, digital presence, reviews and external evidence.

Director of Commercial Operations, 缅北强奸, Lee Hallam said: 鈥淭hank you to the Cornwall Tourism Awards Event organisers for this recognition, and to all 缅北强奸 teams for their involvement, hard work and commitment in delivering summer accommodation for groups and holiday-makers. This accolade will help our summer business grow and we are very proud to achieve this award.鈥

Awards organiser Robin Barker of Services for Tourism said: 鈥淚t would have been very easy to cancel the Awards this year 鈥 we did think long and hard about it, but the level of early entries we received in spite of everything, and the creativity and determination shown by entrants inspired us to find a way to make this happen 鈥 and your responses and feedback ever since have completely blown us away. The reactions from today鈥檚 winners including words such as 鈥榦verwhelmed鈥, 鈥榟eartwarming鈥 and 鈥榤oments of sparkle鈥 have made it all worthwhile.鈥

The Cornwall Plus team has gone from strength to strength. Last year Cornwall Plus gained the 鈥榃e鈥檙e Good to Go鈥 Industry Standard by VisitEngland and achieved a Silver award in the Green Tourism Accreditation Scheme, which acknowledges their commitment to being responsible, ethical and sustainable. The team also won Gold with Academic Venue Solutions for 鈥楤est Accommodation 2019/20鈥 and a Silver for 鈥楤est Accommodation鈥 with the British Youth Travel Association 2019/20.

For further information about summer group bookings for our university rooms, please contact our Business Development Manager, Debbie Lilly 鈥 booking@fxplus.ac.uk Online room bookings for couples and individual travellers will be open on the Cornwall Plus website shortly.


缅北强奸 (缅北强奸) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide 鈥楨xceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive鈥.